Thursday, December 13, 2018

Climate Challenge, Day 14: Iterations

One of the things we have learned in the process of making our lives and homes more sustainable is that we are never done; there is always something that could be improved or changed.  For example, Mark is working on rewiring our old stove. Because it is an old stove, rewiring is pretty straightforward. While thinking about the stove, he began to think about insulation. The oven, he is convinced, is our biggest energy appliance and he would like to improve that. And, in the process, it might make the kitchen cooler in the summer, a common lament in our house. Today, he began researching increasing the insulation around the oven, especially at the top. This work will take a bit of time, but, in the next month or so, he will add the insulation and complete the rewiring as well. And then, there is a gasket for the oven door, although the door is not built to hold to do that?

I spent some time talking with our custodian about refrigerators and composting systems at CHS, as well.

Step by step.

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