Sunday, May 12, 2024

May Weekend


                It was That Weekend in May. The sun came out after long cold weeks of rain. The grass was long and lush; all of the starts in the greenhouse were bursting in their pots; the spring bulbs were all dying back; the ground is still damp. There was a lot of work to be done. Since Thursday, we have:

1.       Moved the table and benches out.

2.       Taken off the storm windows and stored them in the basement were the windows were.

3.       Mowed the entire yard.

4.       Tracked in a lot of grass clippings.

5.       Trimmed out ¾ of the garden beds.

6.       Cleaned up the front garden of dying bulb foliage—entire garbage can of compost.

7.       Weeded both wheelbarrows of strawberries.

8.       Watered pots.

9.       Prepped, planted, laid down hoses, and attached rabbit fencing for four beds: the summer greens, summer roots, and two beds of tomatoes.

10.   Bumped up extra summer starts.

11.   Given away more tomatoes. (There are still a few left…)

12.   Walked to the market downtown.

13.   Prepared the summer shower.

14.   Cleaned the house.

15.   Did several loads of laundry.

16.   Moved the chickens off of the garden beds and into Summer Quarters, which involves trimming out the fences and clearing the space for the coop to rest.

17.   Brought out the chairs.

18.   Went on a wildflower walk and identified 55 species of flowers in bloom.

19.   Ate my Aunty Marilyn’s macaroni salad for dinner.

Monday, which is a full day of teaching, followed by a staff meeting, dinner, and Budget Commission meeting, should be a breeze in comparison.


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