Monday, December 10, 2018

Climate Challenge, Day 11: Farls

One of my goals for the month of December was “full ovens.” Because we bake all of our bread at home, this is ca be tricky for timing. We were not out of bread yesterday when I made a casserole and cookies, but we are tonight, because we are having soup. Normally, I’d throw a loaf into a half empty oven and call it good. Rather than breaking my vow tonight, I made farls, a stovetop biscuit. It’s a quick mix and slow cook in my cast iron pan and I perfected the technique on car camping trips, when we are ovenless.

3 cups of flour (I like half whole wheat)
1.5 t of baking soda
.5 t of salt
1.25 cups of buttermilk or soured milk (a splash of vinegar into good milk).

Mix the dry ingredients together, then add the milk. Knead a bit on the counter, cut into triangles, and cook slowly on the stovetop. I cook one side, then the other, then stand the farls up like Stonehenge to catch the edges.

Eat with honey and butter.
.Image may contain: food and indoor

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