Spring Break began on Friday when I fled the building by 2:45, convinced that all of the work that was going to come in was in. The sun was out for the first time all week and the air was warm, When I came home, the Sprung Garden bed, which had been covered in plastic for the last two weeks, called. The soil was dry and friable, so I moved all of the spring starts outside ; peas, cabbage, kale, mustard, broccoli, and cauliflower. Then I buttoned the hoop house back up to keep out digging chickens and napping cats, picked some sprouting broccoli from the one plant that survived, and went inside for dinner.
Saturday was tomato transplant day. The plants had started out life in my classroom, but needed to move up to the four inch pots. Mark did the labels while I transplanted. When we were done, the greenhouse smelled of damp earth and tomatoes.
Sunday was the day to start the next round of veggies for the summer garden: chard, collards, more broccoli and cauliflower, parsley and basil. While I planted seeds, Mark sat in his greenhouse chair and read.
Blooming wildflowers at Finley Refuge-- fawn lily, toothwort, bitter cress, fairy bells and fairy slippers, Oregon grape, yellow violets, both types of Trillium.
On Monday, the pink tulips began to bloom. Then the rains settled in. Downpours with sun breaks for days.
Spring greens from Sunbow Farm-- salad, mustard, and raab.
A completed garden bed-- it curves around the window well and will allow us to grow more food in the hot, southern corner of the house. The plan is to run vines up the wall, creating shade on the couch inside.
Easter Evening, after the party is over we eat dinner in the falling sun.
I just wanted to say that I so enjoy your pictures and musings. You seem to be a kindred spirit, and that is rare for me! Thank you!