Sunday, February 23, 2025

Saturday Chores


The weather report read  heavy rain on Sunday, so we spent all of Saturday outside. First, we walked to the market, had some excellent chats, and bought the vegetables for the week. Then, when we came home, we went outside, without even stopping for lunch. Mark worked on compost. I cleaned up.

·         Transplanted several small plants I’ve been rooting inside.

·         Watered all of the starts and adjusted the lights so they would not wake Mark up in the morning.

·         Cleaned up the area around the recently remodeled and planted rose bed.

·         Pulled nails from the rotten wood and tossed it into the compost area.

·         Moved large and small bricks back to the storage area in the chicken run.

·         Turned over the first bed so that the organic matter would break down faster and moved the hoops over so that I can start drying it out in a week or so.

·         Cleaned up the strawberries in the wheelbarrows; they were surrounded by dead and rotting foliage and needed some air to breath.

·         Moved empty garden barrels around.

·         Trimmed some branches for vases in the house. 

When I was finished, I came inside, took one look at the very messy kitchen, and put my boots back on. There was clearly a storm coming on, but it hadn’t started yet. I grabbed the second pair of trimmers and headed back to the compost piles. Working together, while the wind rose around us, Mark and I  trimmed the ENTIRE pile of branches into the rings. There is no plant matter waiting to be composted at this precise moment. It’s won’t last of course, but, as the rains began, we felt like we had accomplished something major. 

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