Sunday, February 4, 2024

Question Authority

 I was scowling at my computer at work this morning, trying to click all of the fiddly little boxes so that my grades would synch across two programs when the phone rang. I jumped a mile.

"Hey," one of my colleagues said, "I just wanted to touch base and make sure you were doing ok. I just want you to know that I think you have always had real integrity. But I don't want to like.. intrude or anything."
"You are not intruding," I assured him, "and thanks. I am doing ok."
I am. I am ok because I am caught in a deep and tightly woven web of community that is constantly showing support, often in quiet ways. A pat on the back in a meeting, a hug, an email or letter to the editor...people talk to me on the street, at work, everywhere to show support. People I do not know and close friends. Every day.
But, more importantly, I want everyone to know that they can-- they should be-- asking questions. As a citizen of Corvallis, of Oregon, of the United States is your right-- and duty-- to ask questions of your elected officials. Me. Your councilor. Your City Manager, who works for your city council. Your representatives at the county, state, and federal level. We are all here because you elected us. So you should ask questions, raise concerns, praise positive actions. You are NOT intruding. You are doing your job as citizens.
People have suffered and died for your right to question authority and to vote. Please do not be silent. That is how democracy dies.

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