Monday, June 10, 2019

One Handed Gardener

What you can do with one (and a half) arms in the garden:
1.       Weed
2.       Transplant (85% survival rate)
3.       Mulch
4.       Direct seed
5.       Hand water with hose or watering can
6.       Harvest strawberries
7.       Break up clods to prep beds
8.       Haul hoses around
9.       Trim out the beds, slowly
10.   Clean up drying bulbs
11.   Paint the plant signs
12.   Fertilize the berries

What you cannot do with one (and a half) arms in the garden:
1.       Set up the new irrigation system
2.       String up the bean vines
3.       Move a full wheelbarrow around
4.       Create a new rabbit fence
5.       Tie anything
6.       Turn compost
7.       Move the chicken coop
8.       Catch a chicken or a rabbit
9.       Take photos

What you should not do with one (and a half) arms:
1.       Pitchfork a bed
2.       Clean out the garden pool
3.       Haul hoses around

Despite limitations and with some serious help from Mark, the veg. garden is planted, irrigated, and mulched.

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